how to check your voicemail from another phone t-mobile
To call from your own T-Mobile phone press and hold 1 or call 123. T-Mobiles website offers you a phone-free alternative for checking your voicemail from your computer.
To check your voicemail messages from another phone.

. If this doesnt work then call 1-805-637-7249. To check voicemail from another phone you usually need to call your number press the star or pound key depending on your carrier and enter your pin number. Enter your voicemail password when prompted.
To check your voicemail by phone you can call from your own T-Mobile device or from another device. Simply check the message you wish to forward. Enter your 10-digit T-Mobile phone number.
If you are asked for a password the first time you access your voicemail just enter the last four digits of your phone number. Call your own phone number for the US. Youll see information about your primary phone including a link on the right side that says Check Voicemail If you have multiple phones youll see a drop-down menu.
In the list along the right click Check Voicemail. Youll start by logging into My T-Mobile and selecting the Phone option on the navigation bar. You will then be prompted to enter your passcode and press the button.
When you hear the voice mail greeting press the pound button. Follow the directions to set up your password. If this is your first visit be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above.
After the message plays push the. You can call your voicemail service to check your messages. Voicemail is automatically included with your T-Mobile cell phone plan and will enable callers to leave messages for you if you are unable to answer your phone.
Press Star key. To do this you will have to log into the website known as My T-Mobile and the choosing the phone option that is placed there on the navigation bar. If you reach the main voicemail system greeting enter your 10-digit wireless phone number then interrupt your greeting by pressing the key.
To check your voicemail messages from another phone. How can i check my voice mail messages from another phone TMOBILE. Go to My T-Mobile and log in to your account.
Select Home Phone from the top navigation bar then select Check Voice Mail. You can also forward messages via Voice Mail. Press Voice Mail.
To call from your own T-Mobile phone press and hold 1 or call 123. When you hear your voicemail greeting press the key to interrupt it. Press and hold 1.
Under More Actions select Forward via Voice Mail. Click PHONE at the top of the page. To check your voicemail by phone you can call from your own T-Mobile device or from another device.
Your voice mail will then operate as if you were on the phone with all functions available to you. If you reach the main voicemail system greeting enter your 10-digit wireless phone number then interrupt your greeting by pressing the key. Tap Voicemail then follow the instructions.
At the bottom tap Dialpad. How do you check your voicemail from somebody elses phone. The first step to check your voicemail from another phone is to call yourself.
Dial 1-805-MESSAGE 1-805-637-7243 from any landline. For a visual representation of T-Mobile VoiceMail shortcuts please refer to the following PDF diagram. If dialing from an international location refer to Place an International Call for additional assistance.
Hope that helps I just tried it myself out of curiosity and it works. Call your 10-digit wireless number. Listen to messages and save or delete them.
Check your messages when Visual Voicemail isnt available. Retrieve Voicemail from Another Phone or While Roaming. Click the register link above to proceed.
When prompted enter your password. Open the Phone app. This will work for checking your voice mail from someone elses phone or for checking voice mail on a second line from your own phone.
You will then be taken to your voicemail box where you can review new and saved messages. Enter your voicemail password when prompted. From here you could get information about your major phone and a link that is put on the right side that allows you.
If youre the Primary Account Holder you can review and manage your messages using your computer. Youll have to press and hold the number one or dial 123 to call your T-Mobile voicemail. Dial your 10-digit mobile number.
Then enter the Voicemail password. Checking your T-Mobile voicemail messages isnt too much different from the original setup process. When you hear your voicemail greeting press the key to interrupt it.
Touch and hold 1. Enter your password if prompted. A list of your new and saved messages will be displayed in the Voice Messages tab.
When you hear the sound of voicemail greeting tap the option key Pound to stop it. Use your 10-digit cell number includes the area code. To activate your voicemail press and hold the 1 key to dial your voicemail and follow the prompts on your phone to enter a security code and setup a greeting.
Type into the password of your voicemail then tap on the key option Pound for listening to the messages of your voicemail. You will then be taken to your voicemail box where you can review new and saved messages. Call your 10-digit wireless number.
You will then be asked to enter the extension for the voicemail you want to check. Dial the number but that you want to check. Dial your own mobile number press or depending on your carrier to bypass your greeting then enter your voicemail password.
Use another phone to dial the phone number of your iPhone. You may have to register before you can post.
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